What We Do:
Allied Law Ltd also Allied Professional Will Writers (APWW) are specialist experts in Legal Planning. We don’t just look at the present, we look to the future too with our Peace of Mind Service.
CHRISTMAS CLOSING we will be closed on 22rd December and reopen on Tuesday 3rd January.
Professional Will Writers, by and large, don’t get involved in all the other things which other legal professionals do. They have one mission, and that is to make sure that you and yours are well protected when things go wrong.
And they will, sooner or later, so it makes sense to protect yourself and your family now.
We do far more to protect you and your family than just write Last Wills.
It really is not just about when you die – important actions need to be taken to protect you and yours throughout your life.
Why not take our 2 Minute Check to find out if you need the services of a professional Will Writer? Contact Us or call 01323 741200 – leave a message out of hours, and we will get back to you.
The Office of the Public Guardian says that it is taking 20 weeks to process perfect applications for Lasting Powers of Attorney in August 2021.
You had better get a psychic check on your health for the next 6 months – or call us and get a head start – pretty much everyone will need to benefit from Lasting Powers of Attorney at some point in their lives.
Please don’t leave it too late, call us today
You may well discover that you are not as well protected as you wish, and you need to contact an experienced professional to help sort out your legal planning. Even the Law Society has realised that few solicitors take the time and trouble to keep as up-to-date in this narrow area of expertise as APWW do, as a matter of course. Most are generalists rather than specialists. Professional Will Writers take the time to specialise and their ongoing training is tightly focused on Legal Planning, rather than managing expensive High Street offices and staff! As a point of interest, our principal has been the Regional Chairman for Sussex of the Society of Will Writers for many years.
What We Offer:
Importantly, we offer you the opportunity of not just getting your legal planning up to speed, but keeping it that way. Remember that things change, and if your Legal Planning doesn’t change too, you are at risk. So is your family, so it pays to speak to a professional Will Writer when:
- You live with a partner or separate from one.
- You have married, divorced or separated since you made a Will.
- You start or run a business.
- You have children, and or have responsibility for children you are not the parent of.
- You might have an accident. And that applies to everyone.
- If you are over 18.
- If you inherit or have a windfall.
- If you have assets worth more than £325,000 your Inheritance Tax situation needs review, just to be sure it is optimised.
- You own a home.
Why Contact Us?
To be honest, pretty much everyones’ Legal Planning is in a mess and needs a good sort out. Why not organise a no obligation chat with a Professional Will Writer now? Both you and your family could benefit enormously.
Our 2 Minute Legal Check will at least let you know where you and your family are totally unprotected? Contact Allied Professional Will Writers today and get things moving! To contact Allied Professional Will Writers call 01323 741200 or use the form here.